HB 4021 Authorizes Governor to fill U.S. Senate vacancy

Died In Committee

Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Measures/Overview/HB4021
Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Committees/HRULES/Overview

This bill requires the Governor to appoint a United States Senator when a vacancy in the office occurs. Requires that the appointed Senator be of the same political party as the elected Senator who vacated the office. Requires the appointment to end when the term of office ends or when a replacement is elected, whichever comes first.

Currently a special election is held if more than 61 days before an election. This is a step towards voters losing control of Senate elections. History has shown that judges resign just prior to deadline so the Governor can appoint a replacement, which gives them an advantage in the next election. The Governor is required to fill from the same party, but that is open for manipulation appointing weak candidates if of the opposite party.

Thanks to Thom Bradley for pointing out it’s unconstitutional. “The US Constitution makes it very clear that only legislative assemblies of the several States can elect senators. That was true until I believe 1916. It was amended to allow popular vote of senators. Nowhere in the original Constitution or the amendment that followed gave governors any authority to fill Senate vacancies.”

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  1. Please forward this to those who need to hear my testimony. HB 4021 VOTE:NO because we need more of the public’s control of those that represent us. Retain the status quo.

  2. Please vote no on HB4021. If the governor gets to appoint a senator, it will take away the citizens right to choose. The way we currently do it works, so why change it.

  3. Please vote no on HB4021. If the governor gets to appoint a senator, it will take away the citizens right to choose. The way we currently do it works, so why change

  4. Vote NO! We the people have the right to choose. We should not be dictated to by one person. This is another dictatorial grab.

  5. We don’t need the Governor to decide and appoint a senator period. That is decided on by the people not the officials. That is just a way to get someone they want, just like she did by putting a sec of state in . More corruption and control. It’s always been the people who vote on Sec of State and senators not the government.

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