UPDATE change in date and time: Rep. McLain (D, HD29) is holding a Constituent Coffee on Sat, April 1 in Forest Grove at 9:30am. She wants to hear from her constituents around the district who want to discuss any issues or ideas on their mind, whether on the city, district, or state level. Click here to RSVP
From her newsletter…
“The House passed two bills this week that support Oregon’s transition to green energy; House Bill 2530 A and House Bill 3097 A. The first, HB 2530 A, would direct the Oregon Department of Energy to convene a work group to examine, evaluate, and develop statewide strategies to accelerate development of state’s renewable hydrogen industry. HB 3097 A, which I carried on the House Floor, will allow municipal corporations or people’s utility districts to apply for water use certificates for hydroelectric power generation upon written authorization by the underlying water right holder.”
OCL: First they want to tear down our hydroelectric dams in Southern Oregon, now they want to spend your money on studying statewide strategies to accelerate development of renewable hydrogen industry? Be sure to ask about this!
Be sure to check our calendar for other events where you can speak up to make a difference.
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