Personal Choice and Responsibility
This measure appears to violate the federal mining act. As presented it prohibits mining activities on federal claims.
Limited Government
Expands government control of watersheds. Government would totally control the water activities, eliminates any prospecting and removal of minerals, even on federally recognized claims in violation of federal laws. Now requires ALL motorized mining to obtain a Clean Water Act 700 permit for all streams and determines the fees @ $250 for application and another $250 annually per ($500 first year). This is fee increase of 2000% from the previous issue ($25/year increase to $500 first year).
Local Control
Extreme state over reach on an activity that 21 studies/reports have shown have "less than significant impact" on salmon or the environment. Not ONE scientific report has been conducted that supports the elimination of suction dredging and/or proves the harm as claimed.
Free Markets
Prohibits free market of minerals taken from any water course and deprives economic revenue to rural communities by prohibiting mining activities. Vital minerals for national defense are purchased from foreign markets and this ban stops locating and extraction of our own resources.