Understanding Bill and Legislator Scoring

For OCL team leaders

How bills are matched to analyzers and scored/published:

  1. Bills get automatically rated in importance by whether they have only one or many sponsors, whether the sponsors are members of the party in power, and whether the bill is scheduled for a hearing. The bills will be shown with an importance number to the right.
  2. Analysts get rated also based on how much reviewers agreed with their analysis, and the higher rated analysts get the more important bills.
  3. This way a team leader can’t “hog” high visibility bills – they will only see some.
  4. Bills appear in an analyst’s ‘To Do’ list based on their analyst rating and on the committees they have chosen within TTV.
  5. If an analyst sucks, they will get less and less impactful bills, and will lose interest and go away. So a team leader does not have to face the unpleasant task of ‘firing’ someone.
  6. Reviewers are always analysts also. Encourage analyzers that if they are offered a bill to review to please do it!
  7. The analyst can assign an ‘Impact score’ as part of analyzing a bill, to make sure it appears higher in prioritized reports for lobbying. Most bills are one thumbs up or one thumbs down, but it can be up to ten in either direction (combination of correct vote and Impact score).
  8. There are multiple levels of peer review; if the bill has a higher score from first analysis, it will get more reviews, maybe as many as 5.
  9. After review, the bill gets routed back to the analyzer to accept or change the review, then publish.
  10. Team leaders can still assign bills, using the “Assign Bill to Analyst” button in TTV.
  11. How would we know that someone is sitting on a bill and not getting it done? The Bill Status Report. This shows bills assigned to an analyst but not yet published. You may want to keep an eye on the higher priority bills there.
  12. Top Impact Report lists bills with high impact scores. “Hot Bills” report lists high impact bills with impending hearings or floor votes.
  13. If someone is an infiltrator we can disable their account, pull published bills back and fix them. They will not get far.

How legislators are scored:

They get 2 x the magnitude for floor votes plus 1 x the magnitude for sponsorship (or co-sponsorship)

So, for example:

Ban Firearms bill is a NO with Impact 10,

Increase taxes bill is a NO with Impact 8.

Senator Jones sponsored  Ban Firearms (1 x -10) and incorrectly voted yes on it (2 x -10) = -30

Senator Jones voted no (correct vote) on increase taxes (2 x +8) = +16

Senator Jones total is = -14.

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