HB 2493 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Measures/Overview/HB2493
This bill prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Takes away the choice and responsibility of private forest and farm owners to treat agriculture diseases.
Fiscal Responsibility
Native tree diseases are a particularly common menace to Oregon’s western forests and in many areas it’s been a losing battle costing the state millions. Active forest management has been a day late and millions short of successful treatment.
Limited Government
Gives complete authority to State Department of Agriculture or State Forestry Department to determine pest infestation and authorize spraying. Prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds. This impacts a large swath of agriculture and forest lands. It’s a foot in the door to ban other areas.
Local Control
Doesn’t apply to nursery operations, research of plant pests, or control areas.
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