HB 2528 Gives overreaching power to OHA

HB 2528 VOTE: NO
Public Hearing 02/27/2025 1:00pm HR F
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2025R1/Measures/Overview/HB2528
Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2025R1/Committees/HCCP/Overview

Adds “nicotine derived from any source” to the definitions of “inhalant delivery system” and “tobacco products.” Repeals existing criminal prohibition on the sale of inhalant delivery systems or tobacco products to a person under 21 years of age and replaces the repealed law with a civil prohibition enforced by the Oregon Health Authority. Authorizes imposition of civil penalties for violations. Establishes a civil prohibition on providing, without compensation, inhalant delivery systems or tobacco products.

Authorizes OHA to adopt rules to regulate the sale of inhalant delivery systems or tobacco products for the purpose of protecting public health and safety. Requires any sale of cigarettes, inhalant delivery systems or smokeless tobacco products to occur at licensed premises.

Expands the definition of “tobacco products” for taxation purposes to include nicotine pouches, nicotine lozenges and other products containing nicotine derived from any source. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.

Gives the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) extraordinary added powers to regulate any nicotine product including the power to ban outright any nicotine product they dislike without a vote of the people or without a vote of our elected representatives – taxation without representation is a violation of the U.S. Supreme Court Chevron decision.

Under HB 2528, unelected OHA officials could ban vaping/cigarettes at a whim and effectively destroy a hundred local small family businesses overnight  losing an estimated $176 million of health care tax dollars from the current tobacco tax.  This is a new way for politicians to outsource both power and decision making to unelected agencies.

It may surprise you why they want to ban nicotine. It is not addictive, it is the man made pyrazine chemicals added to nicotine that creates the addiction, and Harvard Medical School 1970 suggested it be banned.  Nicotine has health properties that protects you from many viruses including covid – that’s why very few smokers got covid. A French researcher published 4 years ago to use nicotine to cure your countries from covid. Instead they did the opposite. Nicotine is in most vegetables we eat daily – eggplant, tomatoes, night-shade veg.  The economic benefit of the lie is serving big pharma, the biggest donors to legislators. Nicotine is a preventive agent and cure for multiple sorosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,  arthurites, stypsis, diabetes, dissolve brain tumors and cancer, and calm ADHD in children. (Search Dr. Bryan Ardis Show on nicotine.)


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