Prohibits the sale of new clothes washers that are not equipped with a microfiber filtration system, beginning January 1, 2030
This bill would be too expensive for most households and would ruin the livability in Oregon.
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers points out that in Oregon, the home appliance industry is a significant and critical segment of the economy. The
total economic impact of the home appliance industry to Oregon is $1.5 billion, approximately 10,000 direct and indirect jobs, $160.4 million in state tax revenue, and more than $514 million in wages. The home appliance industry, through its products and innovation, is essential to consumer lifestyle, health, safety and convenience. Home appliances also are a success story in terms of energy efficiency and environmental protection. AHAM opposes this bill because this method of addressing the release of microfibers into the environment is technically impractical and will not address the problem.
The sponsors of this bill did not sufficiently research or they would have found that this does not resolve the problem. Governor Newsom vetoed their bill, France and European Commission Technical Regulation Information System (TRIS) shows this matter being “withdrawn.”
The cost of filters range $500 per year, impacting low and moderate income households. It could cost more than the clothes being washed. In addition, it takes special installation and regular maintenance, and increased energy and water consumption. The bill has one solution and no leeway for newer more inventive solutions.