Why does the same bill have several different names?
As a bill goes through the process of becoming law, it graduates – so to speak – into different levels. So “We the People” can see what the bill started out as, and ended up as. Below is what you will see added to the bill number as it moves along through the session (you can see how to read a bill here, and learn how to see where changes are made).
Introduced: (Introduction) First Reading of a bill, resolution or memorial in the Chamber of origin.
Engrossed Bill: A measure that is printed with its amendments included.
A-Engrossed – An engrossed (meaning “to make a final fair copy of”) bill is a bill that is printed with its amendments. If a bill is engrossed, it will be printed as “SB ____, A-Engrossed.,” meaning “Senate Bill ____, including its amendments.” A bill may be amended more than once; in that case, the bill will be printed “B-Engrossed,” and so on.
Enrolled Bill: A final copy of a bill that has passed both houses of the Legislative Assembly and has been specially reprinted in preparation for the signatures of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House. After these confirmatory signatures, the enrolled bill goes to the Governor.
Other Definitions:
Act: A bill which has been made law by passing both houses of the Legislative Assembly, and which either has been signed by the Governor, filed without the Governor’s signature, or passed by both houses of the Legislative Assembly over the Governor’s veto.
Bill: A measure that creates new law, amends or repeals existing law, appropriates money, prescribes fees, transfers functions from one agency to another, provides penalties, or takes other action.
First Reading: The recitation on the Chamber floor of the measure number and title by the Reading Clerk upon introduction of a measure in either house. After the First Reading, the measure is referred to committee by the President or Speaker.
Hearing: A public meeting of a legislative committee held for the purpose of taking testimony and/or other action concerning proposed legislation.
Legislative Days (also called Committee Days): Since Oregon voters adopted annual sessions in 2010, the Legislature meets for a maximum of 160 days in odd numbered years and 35 days in even numbered years. The period of time in between sessions is called the interim. The Legislature convenes periodically during the interim for special meeting days, called “Legislative Days.” Legislative Days happen approximately every eight weeks and last for four days. During Legislative Days, Committees may hold informational hearings on topics that may lead to legislation in upcoming sessions, hear updates on implementations of past legislation, hear reports from state agencies and Task Forces, and keep current on the subject areas which affect Oregonians. During Legislative Days, the Senate may also convene for the purpose of making executive appointments.
Task Force: A legislative committee authorized by legislative leadership to study a specific subject for a specified period of time. A task force may contain lay members and is different from a committee in that it typically considers a narrow subject within a broader topic area; for example a task force might consider mental health in Oregon rather than health issues in Oregon.
Unfunded Mandate: A requirement that a lower level of government provides a program or performs an activity with their own resources. Under a federal mandate, the federal government may require a state or local government to provide a service and not provide the federal funding to pay for it. Under a state mandate, the state may require a local government to provide a service, but under the Oregon Constitution, the local government is not required to comply with certain new state mandates unless the state pays the costs of the new services. The Constitution provides exceptions.
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