SB 381 & SB 490 Increases exemption to corporate activity tax

SB 381 and SB 490 increases the exempt amount and the filing threshold for the corporate activity tax (CAT). Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die. A tax is not owed under this section if the person’s taxable commercial activity does not exceed [$1 million] $5…

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SB 973 Requires a landlord of publicly supported housing to give 30 months notice of rent increase.

Requires a landlord of publicly supported housing to provide all applicants and new tenants notice of when the affordability restrictions may be terminated. Becomes operative January 1, 2026. Extends from 20 months to 30 months the minimum notice landlords must give existing tenants notice of expiring affordability restrictions. This notice must be written in each of the five most commonly…

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SB 426 Property owner made responsible for unpaid wages

Makes an owner and a direct contractor jointly and severally liable in a civil action for any unpaid wages owed to the unrepresented employees of the direct contractor and subcontractors at any tier. Provides the statute of limitations for actions regarding recovery for unpaid and overtime wages. Requires subcontractors to provide certain payroll records and other information to the owner…

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SB 641 Prohibits China from buying Oregon farm land

This Act stops China or Chinese companies from getting farmland. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Prohibits China or entities under the jurisdiction of China from buying or leasing farmlands. It is no secret that China intends to take control of the U.S. and that makes them a threat to our freedoms. You should not allow foreign nations to get a foot…

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SB 13 Allows experience to substitute for a diploma

Requires a professional licensing board to consider experience in lieu of a high school diploma or an equivalent for licensure, certification or other authorization to provide certain occupational or professional services. Employers agree that work experience is more valuable in an employee than a diploma. Many jobs take logic and not intellect. There are numerous reason a student does not…

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SB 949 $40 million for affordable housing project in Portland

The Act tells OHCS to start a $10 million project to build some mixed-use affordable housing. Directs the Housing and Community Services Department to establish a project to develop affordable housing that integrates residential units with community services and commercial spaces in the Portland metropolitan area. Requires the department to annually report to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly…

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HB 2557 Prohibits raising octopus for consumption

Prohibits a person from raising octopus for the purpose of human consumption or participating in the sale or offer for sale of octopus that was raised for human consumption. Our coastal restaurants have a good seafood reputation. So requiring them to import octopus is nonsense. The coastal counties could become an octopus exporter, which would help their economy. That isn’t…

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SB 569 Grants minority businessowners priority

Tells a state agency to grant money to groups that help a business to get certified as a minority owned business so it can have a better chance to get public contracts. Tells the agency to figure out how to award the grants and watch how well the groups that get the money do. Directs the Oregon Business Development Department…

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SJM 3 Federal reimbursement for wildfire costs

Urges the establishment and funding of a federal system to reimburse state and local government property owners and private property owners for damage to real property that results from the spreading of wildfires originating on federal lands Since private property owners are having all the responsibility of potential fires occurring on their property, when most of the time the fires…

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