The Act changes the program for hiring certain students by nonprofits. The Act gives priority to certain types of courses. The Act increases the payback amount to the nonprofits. The Act declares an emergency and becomes law when the Governor signs it.
Provides that priority may be given to students in specified courses of study to participate in a pilot program to enhance the hiring of public university students by eligible nonprofit organizations. Provides for the reimbursement of eligible nonprofit organizations that participate in the pilot program up to 100 percent of the amount the organizations have paid in wages to participating students. Removes the requirement that eligible nonprofit organizations must have an annual budget of $5,000,000 or less. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
The pilot was passed in 2023 at 50% reimbursement, which is being revised to 100%, and priority given students with certain studies. Appropriated $888,412.
What went wrong with the 2023 pilot? Changes mirror the Federal Work Study (FWS) to use federal dollars for paying wages. Nonprofit is required to use 7% of FWS fund student positions. PSU reports they 700 students with unpaid internships and practicums with nonprofits within the School of Social Work, and the pilot only serves 5 students. The pilot was new for Eastern Oregon with few rural nonprofits of small size – thus the removal of $5 million size.
This is government micromanaging what higher education institutions could develop partnerships with nonprofits on their own. As with PSU having hundreds in internships and practicums, it’s part of the course work. That doesn’t prevent any small nonprofit from sponsoring an intern. What this bill does is to bribe a nonprofit into hiring students in positions they now pay someone to do, making it a gravy train for the nonprofit. Paying a nonprofit the wages to add a position that isn’t needed is still a benefit to the nonprofit and not a benefit for student experience when put in a position of made-up work. Is this about the student needing experience, or about a handout for nonprofits? The pilot should be sunsetted instead of funded.
This bill is government micromanaging how colleges can partnership with NGO’s.. This is about a NGO getting paid for a student with the student not necessarily getting good work experience in return.
Is this about student experience or about handouts to NGOs?
I oppose this bill.