SJR 24 School choice


Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to establish the right of a parent to choose the school that the parent’s child attends.

Requires the establishment of school choice accounts for parents who choose nonpublic education. Allows parents who choose nonpublic education to pay for expenses incurred in relation to the education of a child with moneys from a school choice account.

A parent has the right to choose nonpublic education for the parent’s child and to receive funding in a school choice account in the amount of $9,500 or 80% of state formula if greater.

The state agency overseeing education shall contract with a nonprofit organization to administer school choice accounts. The nonprofit organization may charge a management fee for each school choice account.

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  1. Thank-you so much for bringing this forward! I have waited since the 1990’s to see this become reality. I am squarely behind this. With one grandchild in Fossil/Charter School and one grandchild in a Private Christian School to meet their needs, I believe ALL parents should have the funds follow their child to what is the best for them. Both grandchildren have suffered with ADHD. Currently both parents have both found solutions to help. One by food and one by medication. The one on one they receive in their schools cannot be provided in the public setting. One is about to turn 12 and has been in homeschool or charter school since he was 7. The other one has been in private Christian School since Preschool and is 7 now. It has been a sacrifice financially for his parents to financially afford this schooling but a priority. This family chose a religious based school to begin with for personal religious values. However, this choice has currently became essential for the one on one he gets. Many other parents with ADHD children in my area are on public internet SEEKING better school fits for their children.
    The culture has become so diverse that the public schools do not meet the values and needs of all children. There are so many needs for various children’s education that the public system is already not being able to financially keep up with the cost. Such as additional staffing to handle English not a first language children. The disabled children. The traditional brick and mortar schools are expensive to maintain. With lower enrollments perhaps some public schools could be closed. With the allocation of funds to follow student the budgets of districts will be cut. This can reduce the maintenance costs for districts and many schools could be closed. This is the outcome of decades of parents being asked what their children need and not being heard. Choices to meet their values and beliefs whatever those may be. Also, quality teaching, administration, and boards that listen and do not just follow mandates.
    My best to you as you work to a solution to help the system, students and parents

  2. SJR24 Yes on School Choice

    Please put in protections for the school so that only students that are compatible with the religious institution can enter this way the school cannot be sued for discrimination.

  3. SB 867 Vote NO
    Prevents School Choice Funding

    SJR 24 Vote YES
    School Choice Yes

    HB 1583 I voted NO
    Basically calls it discrimination if a parent complains about school and library materials and curriculum that contain graphic descriptions of pornography and gay sex.

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