Makes the PUC create a program to have each gas company create a thermal energy network pilot project. Makes each gas company apply to create a pilot project.
Directs the Public Utility Commission to establish a pilot program that allows each natural gas company to develop a utility-scale thermal energy network pilot project to provide heating and cooling services to customers. Requires each natural gas company to file a proposal and plan to develop a pilot project or an explanation for why the natural gas company is not submitting a proposal. Identifies criteria the commission shall take into consideration in evaluating a proposal. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
The pilots would allow utilities to demonstrate the use and effectiveness of such utility-scale efforts for networked heating and cooling. These pilots would also give the state greater experience on how to integrate such projects into the regulatory process.
Industrial thermal energy creates 12.5% of greenhouse gas pollution in the United States, making it the next largest source after transportation and electricity and aims to slash industrial thermal emissions by 30% by 2030.
It seems like a false start for the pilot, but the support is to give natural gas providers a fair shake to show their innovation, which they haven’t received from the legislature.
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