Sen. Chris Gorsek (D, SD25) will be having a Town Hall on Sat., Jan. 11 at Troutdale Soda Cafe, (302 E Historic Columbia River Hwy), starting at 10 am. He wants to tell you all the things he’s working on, but be sure to ask him about these upcoming proposed bills he may be asked to vote on in 2025…
- Gas tax increase, and not just a little. Discussions range from 35 cents/gallon and up higher.
- New Delivery tax on all goods delivered to your home from companies like Amazon, FedEx, UPS, DoorDash, etc.
- New Wildfire tax on utility companies, which will then be passed on to you.
- Increase Healthcare Provider tax, which will be passed on to you.
- Increase Beer & Wine taxes.
- Increase Timber & Harvest taxes.
- New Statewide Property Tax.
- Tolling on Highways.