- Senator Sara Gelser Blouin
- Senator Dick Anderson
- Representative Sarah Finger McDonald
- Representative Shelly Boshart Davis
- Representative David Gomberg
The legislators will bring you up to date on current legislative action and there will be time for questions from the audience. This meeting will be in-person at the Benton County Commissioner’s Office (4500 SW Research Way, Corvallis). Virtual option: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82969445811
- Gas tax increase, and not just a little. Discussions range from 35 cents/gallon and up higher.
- New Delivery tax on all goods delivered to your home from companies like Amazon, FedEx, UPS, DoorDash, etc.
- New Wildfire tax on utility companies, which will then be passed on to you.
- Increase Healthcare Provider tax, which will be passed on to you.
- Increase Beer & Wine taxes.
- Increase Timber & Harvest taxes.
- New $1.00/thousand Statewide Property Tax.
- Tolling on Highways.
- Taxes on your water well usage.
- Taxes on tires.
- Food Stamps for Non-citizens.
Check our calendar for other events where you can speak up to make a difference.
This information is provided so you can engage the principles of Oregon Citizen’s Lobby. We do not endorse any candidate. OCL is the only Oregon lobby working 100% for and by CITIZENS of Oregon; we are truly the voices of Oregonians, not special interests. Sign-up here to see how you can volunteer right from your own home to help spread the word and enhance the effectiveness of OCL. Want to help but don’t have time to volunteer? Help support OCL with a donation of any amount here!