Died in Committee
Work Session held 4/20 Public Hearing held 4/13 Recording Here
TEXT of bill here TTV
HB 2012 Increases Oregon minimum wage rate in graduated steps to $13.50 per hour by 2017. Amending ORS 653.025. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
The Free Market should be the motivating force behind wage increase, the existing law is already adjusted for inflation. Mandating a higher wage while the Oregon economy is already distressed, will depress Oregon further.
Employers will not absorb these higher wages. Consumers will pay for any increase in wages. This is a lose lose for all of Oregon!
The Free Market and the private sector needs to set the minimum wage to what the market will bear. The Government needs to stay out of the private market!
Employers will by necessity have to make the decision based on what the market will bare for them. Either to let go employees, not advance existing employees or not hire new starting wage employees.
HB2012 is dismal in advancing business in Oregon.