HB 2114 Prohibts Inital Prescriptions of Opioids or Opiates Exceeding 7 Days

VOTE: YES – Governor Signed

Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB2114

This bill prohibits issuing initial prescription for opioids or opiates for outpatient use in quantity exceeding seven-day supply, creates exceptions

Personal Choice and Responsibility
reduces the issuing of prescription drugs for over seven days

Fiscal Responsibility
decreases the costs of filling excessive prescriptions

Limited Government
government is excising its authority by facing the problem of the over prescription of opioids or opiates to the general public

Free Markets
statistics demonstrate that the practice of opioids or opiates prescription is out of control and needs to be controlled at a greater level

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