HB 2167 Creates Racial Justice Council into conduct of state business

Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07-27-21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2167

This bill creates Racial Justice Council within Office of Governor to report at least once per year on strategies designed to institutionalize racial justice into conduct of state business.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Achieving the governor’s goal will require a new approach to everyday norms and re-framing of processes to create an equitable, healthy, just, and anti-racist state. The social justice the governor seeks is framed in socialism and redistribution of wealth.

Fiscal Responsibility
The estimated total cost of these positions, including related services and supplies, is $514,309 General Fund in the 2021-23 biennium and $628,478 General Fund in the 2023-25 biennium.

Limited Government
Enable those most impacted by historical and institutional racism in Oregon. HB 2167A solidifies a process to build a more just and equitable Oregon through codifying, in statute, requirements for Oregon governors and state agencies to engage with BIPOC and Tribal communities in the development of their budgets and legislative agendas. At least once per year, the council shall report to the Legislative Assembly, the Secretary of State, the Bureau of Labor and Industries, the State Treasurer, and the Attorney General. The report must describe strategies to implement racial justice into state government and may include other matters pertinent towards dismantling systemic and institutional racism. The council shall provide advice and recommendations to the Governor relating to racial justice. The council shall advise and assist state agencies in creating racial impact statements for programs included in agency request budgets. The council shall communicate with the appropriate officers and committees of the Legislative Assembly to monitor investments in and track progress towards racial equity.


  1. linda S fravel says:

    Governor already has a lawsuit for handing out money to only the black community for Covid relief. How about the best person for the job leaving out gender, color etc which are in fact racist and not justice.

  2. David Klaus says:

    The Democrats flat out need to stop with this crusade to root out racism where none exists. This bill will do absolutely nothing to promote unity in our state but further division.

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