VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill:
This bill establishes new program to be paid by the Oregon taxpayer regarding reproductive health regardless of certain federal requirements if federal funds are discontinued evokes the emergency clause. Requires health benefit plan coverage of specified health care services, drugs, devices, products and procedures related to reproductive health
Personal Choice and Responsibility
The “enrolee” is guaranteed to not incur any expense due to any sexual behavior. Employers MUST provide insurance that includes this type of insurance, unless his conscience/religion says not to, but must provide, in writing, the fact that he will not do so.
Fiscal Responsibility
The taxpayers will fund a new program, the amount is left blank at this time.
Limited Government
The state is dictating what each private insurance company and employer MUST include within their policies expanding their authority.
Local Control
This bill dictates certain forms of coverage that local entities must include in their employee insurance policies.
Free Markets
The free market principle is being over run by this as it dictates what must be included in an insurance policy leaving no choice to the company purchasing the insurance.
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