HB 2296A VOTE: NO – Signed by Governor Kate Brown
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB2296
This bill establishes special standards application fee for obtaining advice and evaluation on wells to increase likelihood of approval, and increases fees for property owner permits for wells.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Adds cost to the property owners and contractors that will be passed to property owners.
Fiscal Responsibility
Fees are deposited in the Water Resources Department Operating Fund subaccount applied toward personnel costs associated with the conceptual, requested or actual use of special standards in the construction, alteration, abandonment or conversion of wells as a revenue generating program. Current fees to construct, restore or abandon a well is increased commission fees from $25 to $500 and bond fees from $5,000 to $10,000.
Limited Government
Procedures already exist for qualified persons to drill wells with appropriate notification to OWRD. A new application program increases government and very few Engineers, Geologists, Environmental Health Specialists or other licensed professionals are employed by OWRD to provide preliminary advice in good faith. Based on the evaluation any information supplied by the person to improve the likelihood of approval is a revenue generating program. Program could be viewed as a bribe.
Local Control
Water is the life blood of a community. Fee increases will be devastating to rural communities, home and farm owners.
Free Markets
Places more obstacles and costs delaying property development.
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