VOTE: NO – Governor Signed
Status (cverview) of bill:
This bill this will be part of the ACA implementation affecting 1 in 8 children and 1 in 18 adults in Oregon. It includes social phobia, major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), general anxiety, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Creates a new agency to be funded and staffed by taxpayers. Also is being declared an emergency.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Each person has to prepare the best they can for unknown circumstances. This appears at first glance to "help", but essentially is another government safety net for the unprepared. They appear to lump all military/PTSD and civilian, along with elderly and drug abusers together with possible unintended consequences. These programs are suspect that anyone utilizing them may be band from any hand gun permit, and a reason to remove children from their homes.
Fiscal Responsibility
Each facility will be staffed around the clock. They have found that private patients rooms create less stress/problems for patients and staff. Act becomes operative on January 1, 2018. Unknown dollar amount to be paid by tax payers.
Limited Government
Again they call this an emergency. This is another grab for total government over reach even to the small rural communities of Oregon under the guise of "helping" the communities. At the cost of an unknown and likely very bloated budget. The Veterans should have this care under the VA. Those in jail receive free counseling from State paid therapists. Ultimately the poor receive benefits through Oregon Health Plan. So we are duplicating agency duties that are already being funded.
Local Control
While there will be local facilities it will all be run by the Director of the Mental Health Regulatory Agency, Appointed by the board, but ultimately by the Governor if needed.
Free Markets
If the need here created a market there would be one, but there is only loss of money that is why it is funded by the state by taxpayers. Most of this should be broken down and covered by agencies that exist. The Veterans should have this care under the VA. Those in jail receive free counseling from State paid therapists. Ultimately the poor receive benefits through Oregon Health Plan
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