Died In Committee on 06-26-21
Status (overview) of bill:
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This bill requires state agencies and third party contractors that collect demographic data on behalf of state agencies to comply with rules adopted by Oregon Health Authority for collection of data on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written languages and disability status.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Legislation can “whereas” all they want but it won’t change that it is confirming an indoctrination scheme that Oregon is rooted deeply in racism to justify uncontrolled rioting, and a diversity aspect to every bill. It doesn’t balance the scale but tips it in the opposite direction with the intention to shame white people. This bill requires Legislative Equity Office to conduct racial health equity impact analysis on all legislation passing in originating chamber and report findings to committees of Legislative Assembly related to health. To have healthy communities and a healthy state, all citizens, no matter race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, sexual preferences need to feel safe. They need equal access to all amenities, opportunities and basic rights.
Limited Government
House Bill 2134 (2013) directed the OHA and the Department of Human Services (DHS) to collaborate in standardizing and improving how race, ethnicity, spoken and written language, and disability (REALD) demographics are collected. These data collection standards provide a consistent method to gather information across all state data systems and are used to measure and compare service and health disparities. According to OHA, REALD data standards can help Oregon understand, identify, track, and address social and health inequities, guide the development of culturally specific and accessible services, and inform the equitable allocation of resources to address health inequities. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. HB 2337 requires collection of demographic data by certain agencies, contractors, and programs; funding for mobile health units and intervention programs to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services; audits of certain health care organizations, providers, and facilities; racial health equity impact analyses; and services to reduce language and other barriers to legislative participation. HB 2337 give more authority and control that has been used to implement Governor Brown’s orders. It adds audit authority for OHA of CCOs, and operate mobile units. Oregon Advocacy Commission to establish cultural and linguistic intervention, Legislative Equity Office to conduct racial health analysis. All aimed at one sector of the underserved population and not a total or equal access in violation of the Oregon Constitution Article I.
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