Status (overview) of bill:
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This bill allows counties to rezone up to 200 acres of lands within Eastern Oregon Border Economic Development Region from exclusive farm use to residential uses giving 5 years for tax deferral.
Limited Government
In order to have more industrial development for jobs in rural areas, they will need homes, which means access to land for development. House Bill 2456 A represents a recommendation by the Board to address a competitive disadvantage in workforce housing. Allows Border Region counties that have established a review board to rezone certain exclusive farm use lands for residential use, continue certain farm use tax deferrals, and establish an income tax credit for the seller of a new residential dwelling on rezoned land.
Local Control
Puts the decision in the hands of the county and a 4-member review board to rezone if lands if limited to residential zoning that only allows the development of one residential unit per lot or parcel of two acres or more; lands are not high-value farmland or viable for reasonably obtaining a profit through a farm use; and the property owner agrees, as a condition of rezoning, to sign and record an irrevocable deed restriction acknowledging the protected rights of farm, forest, and range-land practices and waiving certain claims alleging injury from the same; the rezoning must comply with any other criteria adopted by the county.
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