HB 2706 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB2706
Posted on TrackTheirVote.org
This bill imposes annual management fee of $100 on each primary or supplemental water right. Provides for deposit of management fee moneys into Water Resources Department Water Right Operating Fund to fund field, technical, scientific and administrative activities.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Individual water right owners fee is maxed at $1,000. This adds an unfair tax burdening those that need water paying for the departments research and administrative activities for the entire state.
Fiscal Responsibility
Authorizes collection and assessment for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2017. Allows phased imposition of assessment and collection during period beginning July 1, 2017, and ending July 1, 2019, subject to constitutional restrictions.
Limited Government
The Water Resources Commission shall adopt rules providing for the Water Resources Department to assess and collect the water right management fee.
Local Control
Municipal water right fees are maxed at $2,500 placing a heavy burden on already distressed counties and does nothing to help the shortage of water.
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