VOTE:NO – Died in Committee
Status (overview) of bill:
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This bill creates or adjusts sunset dates on property tax exemptions to expire sooner starting in 2020, and adds a sunset for the majority of property in Oregon, which if not renewed would cause a mass increase in property taxes without a vote of the legislature.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Most every property tax exemption statute was adjusted to sunset that will affect most every property owner and subsequent renters, leases and produce coming from those properties.
Fiscal Responsibility
Adds a sunset or adjusts a sunset to all these categories to end property tax credits. Adds a sunset in tax year 2020 on fraternal organizations; religious organizations; childcare facilities; schools and student housing; senior service centers; furnishes held by nonprofits; nonprofit housing for seniors; housing for surviving veteran's spouse; homestead exemption; student housing; agriculture workforce housing; land held for low-income housing. Expiring in 2022 are industry apprenticeship or training trust; cargo containers; water transportation craft; utilities; difference between market value and 130% of real personal property assessment. Expiring in 2024 are burial and crematory property; public libraries; mobile field incinerators; field burning smoke management equipment; farm machinery; equipment used in agriculture or fresh shell egg operations; irrigation equipment; environment sensitive logging equipment; skyline and swing yarders; farmland and wasteland; forest land and timber; homesite; open space land; riparian land; State Fish and Wildlife Commission habitat land; conservation easements, lots and parcels. Sunset in 2020 that grandfather in prior exemptions are purchases of limited liability company owned by nonprofit; nonprofit corporation; museums; cemeteries; low income rental property; governing body; developments under construction; multi-unit housing; qualified living units and single-unit housing that qualifies for exemption; Housing and Community Services Department exemption; historic property. Grandfathering exemption before 2022: agreements between business and rural enterprise zone sponsor; real and personal property eligible projects; commercial facilities under construction; qualified machinery and equipment; communication services projects; industrial improvements
Limited Government
Forbids enterprise zoning after June 30, 2022, reduced from 2025 and grandfathers property granted exemption prior to 2022. Adding a sunset date to these exemptions will allow the legislature to terminate the exemptions without a bill whereby raising the property tax without a vote in the legislature.
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