Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 06-23-21
Status (overview) of bill:
This bill appropriates $1.38 million from General Fund to Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for expenses related to hospital nurse staffing program.
Fiscal Responsibility
Appropriates $1,383,589 in 2021-23 and $2,315,602 for 2023-25 will allow OHA’s Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement (HCRQI) program to hire six positions.
Limited Government
Grows government and the OHA empire, with no direct effect on reducing the cost of health care. This is a union issue to work out staffing issues. SB 469 passed in 2015, requiring every Oregon hospital to establish a hospital nurse staffing committee to develop a written hospital-wide staffing plan to ensure that the hospital is staffed to meet the health care needs of patients. In addition, the bill established the 12-member Nurse Staffing Advisory Board charged with advising the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) regarding administration and enforcement of staffing plans. The measure also requires OHA to audit individual hospitals every three years and make the findings publicly available. Hospitals found to be in violation of the administrative rules for nurse staffing services receive an audit report and must submit a plan of correction to OHA, which must be approved by the agency. OHA maintains and posts online any reports generated from nurse staffing surveys and complaint investigations. HB 3011 appropriates funds to support the Oregon Health Authority’s oversight and enforcement of hospital nurse staffing plans.