HB 3170B VOTE:NO – Governor Signed
Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB3170
This bill extends collective bargaining rights to certain public university faculty members whose duties have an academic rather than administrative focus.
Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscally a bad move for taxpayers. It will allow a new level of bargaining unions that can drive negotiations to a higher level using leverage against the state. Unions are holding up academic faculty to fill their pockets.
Limited Government
The more levels of bargaining unions, the more leverage they have against the state. Allows to unionize those faculty members of public universities who are not high-level administrators or who have a reasonable expectation of teaching, research or other scholarly accomplishments. By excluding them from the definition of “supervisory employee,” faculty members with an academic focus would be permitted to organize under PECBA. Prohibits Employment Relations Board from designating a bargaining unit as appropriate if the bargaining unit includes a supervisory faculty member and the faculty member(s) they supervise, unless a labor organization and public employer agree otherwise.
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