VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill:
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This bill puts State Board of Forestry in total control of forests via establishing a criteria for preserving natural resource values on forestland, periodically updating geological numerical criteria, and approving forest management plans for every forest over 5,000 acres that includes harvesting priorities, DEQ requirements, waterway management and preserving of old-growth.
Fiscal Responsibility
Adds expense for forestland owner with more than 5,000 acres to finance a certified technical service provider to prepare a forest management plan. Authorizes total control over forestlands increasing State Forester's office for implementation.
Limited Government
State is micromanaging control of all forestland violating private ownership constitutional rights. Establishes riparian management area requirements for waterways on forestlands and prohibits or limits forest operations. Declares policy regarding forest roads taking away local control imposing criteria for forest roads. Requires road plan for roads on other lands necessary to make timber harvest on forestland practicable. Changes geographic basis for board standards regarding forest practices.
Local Control
Will remove use of land without constitutional process by authorizing the Director of Agriculture to make law by identifying an endangered fish, wildlife, or plant species list – page 12 line 26 creates an 'endangered species act by rule' that will bypass Congress. Takes away county control of forest and other roads. Allows local government to impose public trust resource protections on forestland exceeding protections provided under state law.
Free Markets
Private forest owner are knowledgeable owners and it isn't government's place to micromanage. The bill gives private owners no option for managing their forest. Places all harvesting under the approval of the State Forester, but may legally bribe the owner to transfer harvest to other forestland to further achieve numerical criteria established for the state. Every owner must set aside for late successional and old-growth forest proportional to their ownership.
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