HB 3298 Releases prisoners early for medical excuses.

Died In Committee on 06-26-21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB3298
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HJUD/Overview

This bill modifies procedures for early medical release of adult in custody from prison. The intent is to reform sentencing mandates in Measure 11. (same as SB 835)

Personal Choice and Responsibility
For victims trying to move on and heal from abuse, letting their abusers off with lesser sentences is unconscionable. Eight of the nine female prosecutors in Oregon issued a letter outlining how dangerous bills gutting Measure 11 in the legislature would cause more victims to suffer in silence. A part of a suite of bills intended to gut the spirit of Measure 11 while 78% of Oregon voters oppose repealing Measure 11 making our communities less safe.

Fiscal Responsibility
Taking seriously disabled or at life’s end out of prisons and placing them on society with social benefits and returning to families that may not welcome them, putting a burden of care on them or into adult care homes without resources to pay. This creates a long-range goal of socialism to bankrupt adult care centers for the state to take them over.

Limited Government
Once convicted, the prisoner can petition for a reset for compassion based on medical condition. So if you’re terminally ill, commit all the crimes you want and still die at home. Or have inmates cripple you. Any of the following conditions qualifies, the applicant must have: (a) terminal illness with a prognosis of 12 months or less to live. (b) debilitating or progressively debilitating medical condition. (c) debilitating or progressively debilitating injury not expected to recover. (d) underlying condition that is at increased risk of illness, medical complications or death from exposure to disease. (e) physically handicapped and permanently incapacitated unable to move from place to place without assistance for basic activities of daily living. (f) diagnosed with a mental, behavioral or emotional disorder resulting in serious functional impairment limits one or more major life activities or personal safety. (g) significant limitations in intellectual functioning, including but not limited to reasoning, learning or problem solving. (h) significant limitations in adaptive behavior, including but not limited to conceptual, social and practical skills in everyday life. (i) The balance between time the applicant has left to serve and quality of life living with a medical condition in prison favors release. (j) unable to receive care in prison that meets the community standard for care.


  1. Deanna Nace says:

    So tired of criminals getting out of prison early!! I want TOUGH on crime bills & long sentences, not this.

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