Died in Committee
HB 3357 Hospital to pay $250,000 for each year it does not offer medicine residency program
HB 3357 Text TTV
HB3357 requires hospitals that do not offer family medicine residency program to pay $250,000 to government in order for Area Health Education Center program expense offset
Personal Choice
This will force all hospitals private, non-profit, Tax District Hospitals and government institutions an additional In committee upon adjournment.$250,000 expense that must be passed on to then sick.
Fiscal Responsiblity
This bill is nothing but cost shifting from the state budget to many hospitals and is nothing but a hidden tax.
Limited Government
Government is forcing hospitals to accept a function that is actually a function of the education system. What roll does the private physician play in this process? Many clinics assist in the residencies of new doctors. Is the next step that the government will impose a tax {fee} on all doctors that do not provide the service?
Local Control
The government is assuming a function that should be handled by the individual of education system.
Free Markets
This bill will force additional expenses on many of the Oregon Hospitals and will result in higher medical costs.
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