Status (overview) of bill:
HB 4004 has passed the committee and is awaiting transfer to the House Desk.
Please contact your Legislators both House and Senate, as bills are moving very fast through committees and to a floor vote.
A NO vote is asked to allow for more public testimony on the removal of Statues at the National Statuary Hall, as the process needs to be in a Legislative session that allows for more announcement and time to interact, not a short session. What exactly is the Emergency that will not allow any opposition by opponents?
HB 4004 Directs Legislative Administrator to use National Statuary Hall Replacement Fund moneys to commission statues of Chief Joseph and Mark Odom Hatfield to be placed on display in National Statuary Hall in United States Capitol.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Removes two Oregon Founding Fathers, Jason Lee and John McLoughlin who were chosen by a lengthy process of Public Testimony throughout Oregon, this is the fourth attempt to remove and replace the statues by legislative action, the previous bills have died in committee.
“Jason Lee was Oregon’s most heroic figure” Hon Ben Olcott, Governor of Oregon Adress.pdf
Salem Online History
John McLoughin known as the “Father of Oregon”
Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce chief who, in 1877, faced with settlement by whites of tribal lands in Oregon, led his followers in a dramatic effort to escape to Canada. BIO online
Mark Hatfield was a career politician, served in both Oregon Legislative Assembly. houses of the He won election to the Oregon Secretary of State’s office at the age of 34 and two years later was elected as the 29th Governor of Oregon. He was the youngest person to ever serve in either of those offices, and served two terms as governor before election to the United States Senate. In the Senate he served for 30 years.
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