HB 4011 Child Welfare Cultural Equity Program

Died in Committee
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2022R1/Measures/Overview/HB4011

reates qualified mental health associate incentive program within Oregon Health Authority to train a diverse workforce for child welfare service providers to meet children’s cultural diversity needs. Fills the need to replace workers forced to leave.

Fiscal Responsibility
Appropriates $250,000 from General Fund to provide loan repayment subsidies to qualified mental health associates serving children in child-caring agencies. Appropriates from General Fund, $90,000 to Bureau of Labor and Industries and $60,000 to Oregon Health Authority and $90,000 to Department of Human Services for apprenticeship program. Appropriates $250,000 from General Fund to Department of Human Services for program administration.

Limited Government
Directs Department of Human Services to develop and administer qualified mental health associate apprenticeship program. Prescribes requirements for persons to serve as qualified mental health associates assisting child-caring agencies. Establishes Child Welfare Cultural Equity Program to connect children served with child welfare service providers who meet children’s cultural diversity needs. The Program gives preference to applicants who have been recruited through the Child Welfare Cultural Equity Program. This kind of matching cultures is not teaching children they live in a multi-diverse culture and teaches segregation is their plight. Directs Department of Human Services to review child welfare service provider rate structures. Directs Oregon Health Authority to conduct biennial nursing market study.

Free Markets
Mental health care providers report that the covid surge and mandates have negatively impacted their workforce. Clinics are hit with vacancies and new modernized health practices and technology. Should taxpayers fund replacement staff that left because of illegal mandates?


  1. Marlene Pickens says:

    Dear sirs: Please vote NO. The answer for our kids is get them back to in person school with no mask. They need oxygen for brain and emotional functions. Let families work with emotional care. Stop throwing our hard earned money about.

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