HB 4069 Prohibits sharing someone’s medical history

Died in Committee
Declared an Emergency
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2022R1/Measures/Overview/HB4069

Makes discrimination based on one’s medical history illegal by a government entity or private business. Prohibits discrimination in education on basis of person’s medical history, and prohibits requiring disclosure of student’s medical history.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
We need to treat each other with dignity and respect, ending the practice of looking at one another with suspicion and contempt based on whatever one person says or does. The bill strengthens parents’ right to not disclose medical information and from being excluded without immunizations.

Limited Government
Adds medical history to ORS 659A.403 – unlawful discrimination in public accommodations, and any place where race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, or age if the individual is of age, as described in this section, or older is also discriminatory. Under Education is added: Reliance on a student’s medical history for the purpose of providing educational services to the student, if the medical history relied upon is limited to only information required for educational purposes. A school district may not condition a student’s attendance at a school on the disclosure of the student’s medical history to the school district, and when requested it must be voluntary and limited to educational purposes. Children may not be excluded from attending school that don’t meet the timeline for immunization.


  1. Harlene Brown says:

    Vote yes! Students medical history should not determine whether they are eligible to attend. Don’t discriminate!

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