Signed into law by Gov Brown on 3-7-22
Declared an emergency
Status (overview) of bill:
Modifies eligibility criteria for targeted financial incentives in field of behavioral health workforce incentive programs created in 2021 and creates a new category for licensed marriage and family therapists and professional counselors.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
The color population and tribal communities should be insulted to be segregated out and classed with “lived behavioral health experiences” as if they are all in that group. Prioritizing and segregating services is leading the state further from the constitution of equality.
Limited Government
Modifies eligibility criteria for financial incentives to credentialed workforce that increase access to services that are peer- and community-driven and that provide culturally specific and culturally responsive services for people of color, tribal communities and person with lived behavioral health experiences. Creates a new category of licensed marriage and family therapists and professional counselors, referenced as “associate.” Defines “associate” as an individual working towards licensure and registered for post-degree supervised clinical experience.