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This bill directs a study to promotes carbon sequestration through wood products and natural resources by managing resources, promoting forest health and habitat, while mitigating wildfire, creating jobs through regional approaches for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Limited Government
Study is to capitalize on carbon sequestration methods that are natural in nature and look for incentives and activities to store carbon. Our abundant forests sequester over 60% of the greenhouse emissions produced in our State. Yet over 30% of these sequestered diesel, gas and other emissions are released back into the atmosphere in catastrophic fires. These greenhouse gas emissions are also released through disease, decay and the lack of salvage on burned forestlands.
Local Control
Data supports that our public forests are overgrown and unhealthy. To restore and sustain rural communities it is necessary to adapt the forest management practices that will address logging, thinning and prescribed fire, can move 90% of treated acres into a low-hazard condition.
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