Status (overview) of bill:
This bill creates an advance directive committee which is directed to create rules and a form for advance directives which facilitates euthanasia.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Decisions are being made for the dying without their immediate permission.
Limited Government
It is only big government that would create such a euthanasia policy.
NOTE: Primary change in the law is changing the power of attorney to a health care representative to make decisions on your behalf. The health care provider may act on a document that is reasonably assumed, without verification, to be a directive if no formal advance directive is available. Establishment of an Advance Directive Adoption Committee for purpose of adopting a form of advance directive to be used in this state. Use of the form remains optional, and can be misunderstood. Bill allows a patient’s representative to remove “life-support” if the patient has “a progressive illness,” has stopped talking, and cannot recognize family members.
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