HJR 10 Amendment to not return Kicker to Taxpayers

Died In Committee on 06/26/21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HJR10
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HREV/Overview

This bill amends the Oregon Constitution to use the kicker to increase allowance of earned income tax credits, in lieu of returning surplus revenue to all personal income taxpayers.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Distributed as earned income tax credits for families with children under 18. A socialist move to redistribute wealth.

Fiscal Responsibility
The kicker is the voter’s way of controlling overspending by the legislature. It boosts the economy, particularly last year during the lockdown. When the economy performs well, those that put the sweat in receive the rebate, it should not reward the government.


  1. Lynn Bryant DeSpain says:

    “Kicker Fund Monies” distributed to the Citizens of Oregon, Circulates. It is spent on products, services, and items, which in turn provide “Paychecks” that provide “Income Taxes, Property Taxes, Gasoline Taxes, Beverage Taxes, and other Taxes disguised as Fees such as for Hunting and Fishing.” “Kicker Fund Monies” held by the State contribute to none of these!

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