HJR 14 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2019R1/Measures/Overview/HJR14
This bill amends the Oregon Constitution to replace term “declaration of emergency” with term “early implementation date” in bills needing to go into effect earlier than 91st day after adjournment. Refers to voters.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
The most abusive legislation are those with an emergency clause forbidding a challenge by voters. This change requires justification of an emergency less than ninety days and may be reviewed by the court.
Limited Government
Requires bills with early implementation date to include justification and explain the factual circumstances for early implementation and how those circumstances differ from normal circumstances. Authorizes courts of law to review justification statement to ascertain veracity and accuracy of statement. Authorizes court to strike early implementation date if justification statement is not truthful or accurate.
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