HJR 9 Increase Senators to 36. One Senator for each County.

Died In committee on 06-26-21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HJR9
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HRULES/Overview

This bill amends Oregon Constitution to increase the number of Senators serving in the Legislative Assembly to 36, one for each county by duplicating the structure of the U.S. Congress.

Limited Government
Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution is a model for equal representation for rural and less populated states to balance the power against populated areas. Supreme Court has discouraged using this model, but in recent years they have been more receptive. Even Karcher v. Daggett, 462 U.S. 725 (1983). Significance: Congressional districts must be mathematically equal in population, unless necessary to achieve a legitimate state objective, which allows for developing the objective of equal representation. Other states are looking at similar proposals. Redistricting would be set and not negotiable for gerrymandering.


  1. Lynn Bryant DeSpain says:

    Excellent Proposal! An equitable and true representation of exactly what defines both a “Republican Form of Government” and “Our Electoral College.”

  2. Dan Duffy says:

    I could only support this bill if the quorum was also changed to match the number of Senators.


  3. Lynn Bryant DeSpain says:

    How does One interpret “The minimum number of Senators required to mean the absolute maximum limit to conduct business?”

  4. michael hunter says:

    I ran for HD 19 seat in the prior primary election. I was not successful. I campaigned heavily on the ONE Senator Per County. I have researched this issue in depth. I would like to supply facts and information on this issue. I have designed a path forward that can accomplish that goal. I was pleased to see HJR 9 presented. Please arrange time for a meeting with Representatives Owens and Smith where I can provide them valuable ammunition for this cause. It will be a great help in their position. My program is designed to avoid the toxic OR. legislature climate until a major change to Reynolds. vs Sims is in effect. It can be done.
    I will also attempt to contact Mr. Owens by telephone. If you would like to contact Sen. Boquist or his wife, Peggy, for a character reference please do so.
    Michael Hunter

    • Dan Duffy says:

      Like I have said earlier without a change to the quorum I cannot support this bill. If you read the rules of the Senate a quorum is only “20”. It would of take much for one party to reach that number.

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