HB 3742 Permits legislators and staff to carry a firearm


Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2025R1/Measures/Overview/HB3742
Committee assigned to bill:

Provides that members of the Legislative Assembly and legislative branch employees who have a valid concealed handgun license have an affirmative defense to a charge of possessing a firearm within the Capitol, and may not be arrested or charged for the offense while in possession of the license.

Is security in the capitol lacking? Do they want to save taxpayers from funding police providing security? No.

All Democrat legislators and some Republicans have demonstrated hateful contempt for Oregon’s gun owners and this bill would reward them. Sponsors include a member of the Communist Democrat Socialists of America and a regular supporter of bills to attack gun rights. Then there is the House Sargant in Arms who fled the House floor in fear because Boquist threatened police not to come to his house, which had nothing to do with safety at the capitol. There are a number of people we don’t want carrying a gun that work in the capitol. Especially in a place where you cannot.

This bill elevates the members of the legislature over the people they work for.  There has been no incident in the capitol that citizens of this state should continue to be denied their rights.

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