Allows for the sharing of data as needed to effect an extradition for a crime of a person from outside of this country to this state. Allows a law enforcement agency or public body to provide information, or enter into an agreement to provide information, as required to effect an international extradition and return of a person charged with or convicted of a crime in this state and for whom a warrant of arrest has been issued.
Prohibits a law enforcement agency or public body from entering into an agreement to provide information about an individual in custody to a federal immigration authority. Provides for exceptions. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
The statue OR 181A.823 prohibits enforcement agency or public body from sharing or collecting immigration or citizenship status. HB 2466 and SB 277 adds an exception allowing for the sharing of data as needed to effect an international extradition and return of a person charged with or convicted of a crime in this state and for whom a warrant of arrest has been issued.
This will counter extradition of criminals and use Oregon taxes to bring back criminals for trial. If convicted, we have to pay for their incarceration ad when freed there is no provision to deport them.
This bill sounds like if an illegal immigrant is extradited to another country for a crime, but can be brought back to Oregon if they performed a criminal act and then tried for that act. Then the Oregon taxpayer pays for said trial and the criminal if they get released they do not get deported. Not sure who came up with this bill, but it sounds like a joke.
I oppose this bill as written.