IMPORTANT: Redistricting hearings this week!

from PEOPLE Not Politicians


We have an opportunity to make our voice heard this week!

This Saturday, April 10, the Oregon Legislature’s Special Committee on Redistricting is holding THREE public hearings for comment on mapping Oregon’s new district lines.

This is a critical time to speak up! Share how you feel about this process and what you believe should be done to make sure lines are drawn fairly and the process is transparent.

Comment this Saturday, April 10 for Your County

District 3: 9am – 11am: Clackamas and Multnomah

District 4: 12pm – 2pm: Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane and Linn

District 5: 3pm – 5pm: Benton, Clackamas, Lincoln, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, and Tillamook

Make sure your voice is heard in this process. You can testify live virtually during the hearing or submit written testimony for the record – we recommend doing both. The hearings are organized according to Congressional District and individuals living in those districts have priority to testify.




Consider this when preparing your comments:

  • Should drawing new district lines be up to the Legislature, the Secretary of State, or an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission?
  • Do you believe the current district boundaries are fair?
  • Does the current process represent communities of interest?
  • How would you change your district, if you could?
  • Should Oregon’s redistricting process be delayed until federal Census data arrives or should Oregon use population estimates?

You can find your district, learn more about the redistricting process, download redistricting flyers in English and Spanish, get tips on how to testify effectively during the hearings, and more, at the Oregon Legislature’s Redistricting Website.

Don’t miss out on the chance to tell the Legislature your thoughts and priorities on how this process, once-in-a-decade, is handled in Oregon. Sign up today—we’ll be there right along with you.

Your voice will make a difference in ensuring this process is handled fairly and transparently.

Thank you,
Norman Turrill
People Not Politicians Chair

Date: 2021-04-08 07:49

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