Lawmakers might be laying ground work for Oregon sales tax

Oregon State Representative Nancy Nathanson has introduced three bills asking the State of Oregon to do a study on taxes. One the key goals is to find taxes that are “stable” which is one of the most common words associated when past Oregon lawmakers have discussed a sales tax.

Politicians want to be like California which have major property, income and sales taxes. Nevermind, that per-capita, Oregon spends more than 46 other state governments. Oregon has enough taxes, they just want more and now they want protection from future pandemics and recessions so they can tax you if you lose your job (through sales taxes) so your personal crisis does not impact budget revenue.

Here are the bills calling for a study of tax reform which could very likely include how to adopt a sales tax.

HB2433– study state and local taxes for “inequities in the system”, stability and adequacy; then recommend methods for improving state/local tax interactions

HB 2434– LRO report on revenue options for “maintaining stability and adequacy and reducing inequality in the revenue system”; recommend revenue raising reforms

HB 2435– LRO report on options related to revenue on “tax reform in this state” focused on “maintaining stability and adequacy and reducing inequality in the tax system”; recommend tax reforms.

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon  Oregon Catalyst, Feb 3, 2021

Date: 2021-02-04 05:57

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