Lawmakers try to sneak in a backdoor tax on business

SB 137-1 would disconnect Oregon from the tax relief savings passed by the Federal CARES Act last year resulting in tax increases for Oregon’s businesses. By disconnecting Oregon tax tax code on narrowly targeted areas surrounding the new CARES Act, Oregon disconnects from the tax savings the CARES act provides.

Oregon needs these tax savings because Oregon has been hit worse:

– Oregon job loss per-virus death has been among the nation’s top five worst impacted

– Oregon, as of today, remains only two states where businesses remain mostly closed according to the New York Times.

The CARES Act helped reduce taxes for businesses by allowing them breaks and flexibility on their businesses losses.

Lawmakers should vote NO on SB 137-1

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon/Oregon Catalyst, Feb 4, 2021


Date: 2021-02-05 09:41

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