Our Mission & Principles

Our mission:

To help empower Oregonians by monitoring the legislative process by analyzing and tracking bills. We analyze bills and track them throughout their life cycle, giving updates when needed.

The result of our work is posted here under Legislative Bill Alerts for the public to review, to better understand proposed legislation, give relevant testimony on bills, lobby their legislators, and hold these politicians accountable for their actions.


Five Core Principles

Fiscal Responsibility

Government should have a limited budget that reflects the vitality of the state’s economy.

Local Control

Governmental power and functions should be as close to the citizens as possible for maximum oversight, control, and responsiveness.

Free Markets

Production and prices should be dictated by the laws of supply and demand without the interference of government in the way of subsidies, price controls, or over-burdensome regulation.

Limited Government

Our government should be charged with administering only those functions essential to society and that cannot be performed by private entities.

Personal Choice and Responsibility

Citizens must be free to pursue life, liberty, and property without undue government interference and to reap the rewards or bear the consequences of their decisions.

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