04/20/2015 SB 202 VOTE:NO
Signed into Law
SB 202 Establishes Oregon Academy of Sciences as nonprofit corporation to serve as principal source of scientific investigation at request of the Governor and Legislature.
SB 202 Intro Text of Bill
SB 202 A Text of Bill
SB 202 B Text of Bill
SB 202 C Text of Bill
This bill establishes a task force on Independent Scientific Review for Natural Resources to recommend entities for objective reviews abolishing the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team. Moves the Institute for Natural Resources to OSU for administration. Appropriates $108,907. Amended to remove Section 4a if Governor signs SB 80. Waiting Governor’s signature.
Fiscal Responsiblity
At a minimum, HECC estimates the Institute for Natural Resources would need $108,907 to cover staff time and reimbursement expenses. Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has $237,826 Lottery Funds available that are dedicated to an independent science review entity. The base budget also eliminates $237,608 of Federal funds that were to be utilized for IMST, which is abolished in this bill.
Limited Government
Establishes a task force on Independent Scientific Review for Natural Resources to assess need for independent scientific review and recommend entities to make objective review and sunsets on January 2. 2019, and abolishes Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team exchanging a team of experts for broader representation that will second guess agency programs and create scientific entities to respond to the Governor and legislature, and involve the universities in a process that is open to the public. Moves the Institute for Natural Resources to OSU for administration.
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