SB 286-A Environmental Justice Council

Died In Committee on 06/26/2021

Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

This bill creates Environmental Justice Council and requires with DEQ, natural resource agencies, local agencies, officials, and community representatives to develop an environmental vulnerability assessment to determine susceptibility to environmental burdens and review and update the environmental vulnerability assessment every five years.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Environmental justice is a social justice agenda that suppresses the economy. What is catering to a few suppresses the majority.

Fiscal Responsibility
The Act authorized compensation and expenses for non-legislative members to be paid out of funds appropriated to the Governor for that purpose.

Limited Government
In 2007, the Legislature enacted Senate Bill 420 ( ORS 182.535 – 182.550) creating a 12-member Environmental Justice Task Force (EJ Task Force).The Act further directed the natural resources agencies to take actions to improve public participation on environmental justice issues; advising agencies on environmental justice issues; identify minority and low-income communities, in cooperation with natural resource agencies, that may be affected by the agencies’ environmental decisions; determine whether and how to meet decisions that stem from the hearings; engage in public outreach affected by agency decisions; create a citizen advocate position considering environmental justice issues, and informing the agency of the effect of its decisions on communities traditionally under-represented in public processes. Senate Bill 286A turns Task Force into an agency as the Environmental Justice Council growing government. Establishes the Council within the Department of Environmental Quality. The Act directs the Council to report guidelines for state agencies when adopting rules or policies regarding how to use the environmental vulnerability assessment; best practices for increasing public participation and engagement; specific recommendation on how to consult vulnerable populations; recommendations for establishing measurable goals; and guidelines for identifying highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations. Requires DEQ to annually meet with agencies to discuss climate impacts on impacted communities and develop strategies to guide state climate actions and report to Governor by Sept. 15 each year.

Local Control
Meet with all communities and making recommendations on environmental justice issues to the Governor about concerns raised by these communities. Looking for a problem to solve. Steered by environmental groups towards Agenda 21 goals.


  1. David Klaus says:

    Just remember this; “Environmental Justice” is code for, Let’s destroy the economy so we, the elites can exert even more control over the masses. These fools are so stupid, they don’t realize they’re killing the goose that lays the golden egg. What are they going to do when tax revenue dries up? You can’t tax the top earners enough to make up the difference. They will act in their own best interest and either shelter their money offshore or just leave the state.

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