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This bill establishes eligibility for renewable energy certificates for Covanta Marion facility that generates electricity from the direct combustion of municipal solid waste.
Limited Government
The Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standard directs Oregon utilities to source a defined percentage of their retail electricity sales with qualified renewable resources. ORS 469A.130 establishes a system of renewable energy certificates (RECs) that can be used by an electric utility or service supplier to establish compliance with the applicable RPS. Facilities receive one REC for one megawatt-hour of qualifying renewable energy they deliver to the grid. Utilities and electricity service suppliers purchase and then retire these RECs to demonstrate compliance with the RPS. Bill 451 would establish eligibility for renewable energy certificates for facilities that generate electricity from the direct combustion of municipal solid waste and became operational before January 1, 1995.
Local Control
Covanta Marion is a waste incinerator in Brooks, OR, the only one of its kind in the state. As a byproduct of this incineration process it produces electricity and has reduced emissions by 53% since 2007. The bill designates Covanta as a renewable energy resource under the Renewable Portfolio Standard. This would allow Covanta to qualify for renewable energy credits. Covanta’s carbon dioxide emissions are well above the 25,000 ton limit under the proposed cap and invest bill, HB 2020.
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