Committee assigned to bill:
Fiscal Responsibility
Appropriates $8,500,000 from General Fund to DHS for ILP to provide expanded transition services beginning July 1, 2019. ILP already provides resources for foster youth for 1,357. That leaves around 2500 age 14 and older that haven’t sought out their service that may be getting good support elsewhere. But, the bill wants to allot $3,400 per child for these children to receive two consultations. A hefty price that could mostly be absorbed by the ILP program for those wanting and needing their service. Then it will be added as an increase into the next biennium budget as a permanent draw on the general fund.
Limited Government
The Independent Living Program (ILP) provides training and classes to youth in foster care to prepare them to live independently. According to the Department of Human Services (DHS), there are currently 39 ILP providers, and 1,357 youth received ILP services in 2017. Current law requires DHS to ensure that case planning for foster youth who have reached age 14 addresses their needs and goals for a successful transition to adulthood. SB 745A requires DHS to conduct annual in-person case planning meetings with every foster youth age 14 or older. DHS must inform them about their eligibility for ILP services and provide access to transition services during case planning meetings. The measure is using this expansion of services to support ILP providers by appropriating $8,500,000 General Fund dollars to DHS for ILP services to eligible foster youth.
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