VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (cverview) of bill:
This bill requires Oregon Health Authority to establish and operate statewide registry for collection and dissemination of advance directives via an Oregon Advance Directive Registry Advisory Committee to advise authority regarding registry.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Currently you turn your advance directive into your physician's office where it can be accessed during a crisis. If coupled with SB 494, which allows an authorized guardian, spouse, a majority of their children, their parents, a friend, or if none is available, an attending physician to order the withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures without an advance directive makes a registry a waste of government time. Except for paranoid people, it will discourage people from having an advance directive not wanting government meddling in their private lives and trust their families to do the right thing.
Fiscal Responsibility
Expands government creating a unit for collection and dissemination of advance directive information functioning with an advisory committee.
Limited Government
The intent of the registry is to help ensure that medical treatment preferences for an individual nearing the end of the individual’s life are honored. This implied some kind of enforcement, but against whom? It sets the Authority up as a witness in a court case, which would happen without the registry.
Free Markets
Permits a qualified researcher to have access to the registry, but doesn't provide adequate protections of information as to how it can be used.
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