VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Status (cverview) of bill:
This bill allows the Oregon Health Authority to require hospitals too submit emergency department abstract records, in addition to ambulatory surgery and inpatient discharge abstract records to be compiled and processed to obtain data on all procedures performed, this is to be done without any reimbursement to the facilities for the added cost
Personal Choice and Responsibility
This process does not provide the personal entity any choice in the matter and does not provide the patient and personal choice and removes their responsibility in controlling their personal medical records.
Fiscal Responsibility
The fiscal responsibility is missing on two counts. First this is imposing significant additional operational costs on the facilities which will need to be passed on to their patients since the reimbursement clause has been removed from the original bill. Second the state will incurve significant additional costs to process the records when we already have an extensive shortfall in our budget.
Limited Government
The government is extending its activity in the delivery of medicine in moving into this arena. It will require an expansion of the functions of the Oregon Health Authority in order to do anything with the results.
Free Markets
The state of Oregon is again sticking its nose into the free market when looking into the direction that this action is advancing into.
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